Sunday, May 07, 2006

Just 'cause you don't get it doesn't mean it ain't funny!

I'm notoriously bad at writing regularly in anything that bears a strong or weak resemblance to a journal. So, that would include this bog.

Something that I've learned over the past years with my son is that autistics can have a sense of humor, despite what some experts have said. There are plenty of people who do understand and appreciate the autistic sense of humor. Just because an expert doesn't get it doesn't mean that someone else doesn't or that it just doesn't exist! But it could mean that the expert is the one lacking the sense of humor...

My son enjoys playing with words, when it suits him. Playing with words like "Butch" and "bush" can provide endless rounds of amusement. And I do mean "endless" in all senses of the word. He can get stuck on the broken record which consists of nothing else but the phrase or bit of humor he is interested in.

Another form of humor comes in the bits and pieces of movie scripts that catch his fancy. Currently, a bit comes from Fiddler on the Roof. "The time has come. And the time is now!" A character is saying that as part of a speech rallying workers and students to fight against tzarist Russia. Well, that bit has been turned on him. When the "timer" goes off, and an activity is at an end or to start, we started saying his favorite quote to him. He gets a big grin, and has a hard time complaining that the timer has gone off.

Of course, there are the typical bits of humor kids find in sounds and noises they hear that are sure to drive the resident adults nearly to insanity. Or wish for easier access to rubber rooms and straitjackets.

One of the enduring types of humor my son relishes is physical humor. He enjoys watching and trying to act out what he sees. One of his favorite actors in this is Dick Van Dyke. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Mary Poppins, anything with Dick Van Dyke is sure to be a favorite.

And don't forget Veggie Tales....